Day 29 – Favorite Fairy Tale

So we are getting close to the last day of this business. I really want to do something special for the last one but we will see what actually happens. So today’s is of my favorite fairy tale. I don’t know many, Hanzel and Grettel, the Disney movies, and Three Goats Gruff. I am sure…

Day 28 – Something Evolving

Today is something evolving and since I just picked up the new Pokemon Y game you can guess what it will be. Also I am in love with the new Pokemon game, so good. Love the graphics, the super training, the immediate action it drops you in, new mechanics, just yes! So here is my…

Almost missed a Day, Here is an Idiom

I just got back into town and realized I had planned poorly, sure I had yesterday planned but what about today? I had nothing so I looked at my list of idioms for something I could draw in under ten minutes. So here is Cat Got your tongue. There you are. I like how the…